Volunteer Application

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Argos Rescue welcomes volunteers who desire to give their time in support of Argos Rescue’s mission. Argos Rescue is a non-profit organization established to provide medical care, rehabilitation, and adoption for dogs. Argos Rescue is committed to the following goals.

  • Advocate and be the voice for animals on issues of animal welfare.

  • Reduce euthanasia rates of adoptable New Mexico shelters and provide foster, rehabilitation, veterinary care, education, and adoption.

  • Disseminate information on spay/neuter and provide information to the public to facilitate reduction of pet overpopulation.

  • Cooperation with shelters, other rescues, and the public in accomplishing these goals.

All potential volunteers must be interviewed prior to placement. A background check may be performed. We also require that volunteers participate in mentor led training prior to beginning any volunteer activities. If you agree with our mission and agree to be interviewed, background and reference checked, and trained, we encourage you to complete this application. The information on this form will help us find the most satisfying and rewarding volunteer activities for you.

By signing this application, you agree to support Argos Rescue’s mission and goals. You further agree to adhere to the following for Argos Rescue:

  • You will do your upmost to protect the safety, comfort, and welfare of Argos Rescue’s animals, particularly when they are in your care. You will never leave any of their safety, comfort, and welfare to chance. You will always work for the good of the animals and Argos Rescue.

  • You will always follow Argos Rescue's rules and regulations as well as the instructions of the board members and trainers. If you are not certain about the care of an animal or any other issue concerning Argos Rescue you will seek the correct information from the board of directors rather than acting or speaking on an ill-informed basis.

  • Some information within Argos Rescue is sensitive in nature to maintain the safety of Argos Rescue dogs and partners. If asked to withhold information regarding an animal you will refrain from sharing said information via any communication mechanism: verbally, electronically or on any form of social media outlet(s). Partners are included but not limited to our volunteers, veterinary care providers and staff, shelter volunteers and their paid employees, as well as adopters, surrenders, law enforcement officers, animal control officers, fosters, etc.

  • All information gathered by Argos through ANY application or interview process should be considered as confidential. Confidential information is federally regulated and can only be utilized for the intended purpose in which it was provided.

  • Personal fundraising for personal gain or personal benefit in any way is strictly prohibited while volunteering for Argos Rescue and for a 6-month period concluding volunteer activities with Argos Rescue. Activities included but not limited to "go fund me", private donations, public solicitation of said donations. Solicitation for personal gain utilizing contact information acquired while volunteering is in violation of Argos Rescue’s data retention process and a violation of Federal Law.

  • All Argos Rescue volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that reflects positively on Argos Rescue. Your behavior is reflected in your words, actions and social media presence and will not create conflicts with Argos Rescue or its mission.

If you fail to conduct yourself with the forgoing, you may be asked to discontinue your participation in the volunteer program.

(Select as many as you'd like): You won't be held to these selections, but these will give us a better idea of what your interests and what you hope to accomplish while volunteering. You can change these preferences later.

(Please specify)

Please provide details about previous volunteer experience: (Organizations, duties, etc.)

Please complete this application accurately & completely. No incomplete applications will be processed. Inaccurate/false information on the application will be ground for disqualification from the volunteer program, and /or grounds to terminate participation in the volunteer program. All information collected will only be used for contact purposes and are never sold or distributed.

Contact and Biographical Information

If under 16 years of age you MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times when volunteering with Argos Rescue.


Please list 2 who are NOT related to you.

Waiver of Liability -

Argos requires you to sign a liability waiver before you can volunteer. If you are under 18 years old, your legal guardian must also sign.

In consideration for being permitted by Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. to participate as a volunteer/foster in various activities, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims and damages for personal injury, death, or property damage which I may sustain or may which hereafter accrue as a result of my participation as a volunteer/foster and resulting from negligence or misconduct of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

This release is intended to discharge in advance Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents to include their heirs, agents, representatives, successors and assignees from and against any and all liabilities, actions, claims, demands, costs, or expenses arising from or in any way connected with my participation as a volunteer/foster and resulting from the negligence or misconduct of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

I understand that various activities involving dogs and/or puppies can be hazardous in nature involving the possibility of being bitten, scratched, jumped on, dragged or knocked over. The possibility of serious accidents and/or injury can occur during participation in volunteer/foster activities. Knowing the risks involved nevertheless I have voluntarily applied to participate in volunteer/foster activities and I hereby agree to assume all risks of injury, and to release and hold harmless Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents who through negligence or carelessness might otherwise be liable to me.

I further agree to indemnify and to hold Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost or expense which they may incur as a result of any injury and/or property damage I may sustain while participating as a volunteer/foster.

I agree that all services I provide are charitable in nature and entirely voluntary, and there will be no compensation of any kind for the performance thereof. Further I have been fully advised that as a non-employee I am not covered by worker's compensation and am not covered under any medical insurance plan associated with my volunteer/foster position with Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

I agree that while fostering an Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.. dog I will not foster for a shelter or another rescue without the written consent of an Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., representative. I further agree that while fostering for Argos Rescue I will not take the foster dog to any dog parks and I will not allow my foster dog to be off leash in any public and/or non secured/fenced areas.

I hereby grant Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. permission to use my likeness in a photograph/video or any photo/video that I upload to the Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. Facebook page or designated repository (e.g. Flickr) in any and all of its advertising or collateral materials, including the Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. website (www.argosdogrescue.org) without payment or any other consideration. I hereby irrevocably authorize Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute any photos/videos taken of or by me for purposes of publicizing Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. organization or for any other lawful purpose.

In addition I agree that any dog belonging to Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue , Inc., will remain the property of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., until such time as all adoption documentation has been approved and signed by Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., and the legal adopter. I further understand that at the request of Argos Rescue, either by text, email, or verbally, a foster dog may be immediately removed from any foster home without recourse or delay.


to indicate acceptance of the waiver.

acceptance of waiver.

if under 18.

if under 18.