
Please donate to Leo’s care, or read more about him on Leo’s Page.
Your Giving Saves Lives

We could not do it without you!
Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, is a non-profit charitable 501(c)3 foster-based rescue funded entirely by public donations, fundraisers and adoptions. Your support is vital if we are to make a lasting difference to animals’ lives. Your tax deductible gift today – whatever sum you choose to give – will help us save animals from shelters and give them the chance at a loving home they deserve. All funds received go directly to the care of our rescue dogs. Help us be their voice. Donate today. Thank you!
Donations can be mailed to:
Argos Dog Rescue
P.O. Box 92014
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Other Ways to Give

Smith’s Inspiring Donations – A simple, automatic way to support Argos every time you shop – at no cost to you!
It’s easy to get started!
When shopping at Smith’s Food and Drug go to
Sign into your Smith’s account and designate Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue as your Smith’s charity
When shopping at Smith’s with your reward card, Smith’s will donate .5% of your total order to Argos
Sponsor An Argos Rescue Dog
We realize that many of our supporters have lives that don’t allow them to adopt or foster, but they want to help. And we know that many of you see a particular dog that tugs at your heartstrings and you want to help that dog. For this reason we have established a program whereby you can sponsor a specific dog with the funds you donate going directly to the care and vetting of that dog.
Donate of Stocks or Vehicles
Leave a Bequest to Argos in your Will
Another Way to Help
We always need dog care items. You can help us help the dogs by buying something for us from our Amazon Wish List or Chewy Wish List.
Questions? Contact Us