


Thank you for your interest in an Argos rescue dog.  We strive to match our dogs with the appropriate family and home environment ensuring a successful transition from rescue dog to beloved family dog.  We believe our adoption process enables us to meet that goal. 

Adoption Information

Find out how to adopt a rescue dog from Argos
  • How do I adopt a rescue dog?

    There is no obligation by Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, to adopt any dog to the applicant.  The receipt of an application and subsequent interview for a dog is NOT an implied guarantee that the applicant will be selected to adopt that dog.

    The adoption process begins with the submission of a completed application (application available below) to Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue. Please be as accurate and concise as possible as this helps us get to know you better and match a dog to your home. Once received, an Argos adoption coordinator will contact you via telephone to conduct a verbal interview. During this interview the coordinator will discuss with you the dog(s) you are interested in meeting as well as answer any questions you may have.

    Now comes the fun part .. meeting that special rescue dog. We will schedule a meet-and-greet to see how everyone gets along. Prior to any adoption we require that all members of the family meet the dog as well as any other dogs in the home. Argos does not do trial adoptions of any length of time.

    If the meet-and-great is successful, all parties decide that it’s a great match, and you want to offer this dog a forever home we will schedule a home visit to ensure that the dog you selected will be safe and secure. You will be provided feedback and suggestions should issues/areas of concern be observed.

    Upon approval of the adoption you will be asked to complete an adoption contract and provide the adoption donation. Congratulations! The rescue dog is now a member of your family!

  • Are there any adoption requirements?

    Applications are NOT prioritized by time or date received.  We place dogs by match rather than your place in line.  The more information you provide in your application, the better we can match.  What we care about most is your ability to provide a loving home suited for the rescue dog.  Be honest and share as much as you can about the particularities of your household.  If you really want a couch potato, tell us.  If you love seniors or dogs with special needs, tell us.  If you run 5 miles a day and want a triathlete to run with you, tell us that too.

    Generally speaking, we do not place dogs out of state.  Our medium and large dogs will require a secure fenced area.  Fence height requirements are determined by the needs of the particular rescue dog.

    An application must be submitted prior to receiving communication from an Argos Volunteer. Our volunteers respond within 14 days but we make every effort to respond as soon as we can. Please be patient as we are an all volunteer, non profit rescue. We all have our own families and are working together 24/7 to save as many dogs in New Mexico as we can.

    Due to our commitment to place these rescue dogs in the best homes possible, we have certain basic requirements for adoption consideration.

    The adopter must be 21 years of age or older.
    The adopter or any person living in the home may not have been convicted of animal cruelty, domestic violence or child abuse.
    The adopter must remain in compliance with restrictions imposed per local animal welfare ordinances, rental agreements, HOA’s or insurance policies, and the Argos Rescue contract.

    Only adoptions to a home where the dog will become a family member and live primarily inside will be approved.
    Absolutely no penning, chaining, tethering or usage of trolley systems will be tolerated.

    We are always looking for foster homes.  Foster parents have first priority in adopting their foster dogs. You may want to consider fostering while you are waiting for your forever doggie to arrive.

  • What vetting will my new dog have?

    Many of our rescued dogs require more extensive veterinay care including but not limited to dentals, heartworm treatment, xrays, bloodwork, re-check appts, special diets, etc… in order to regain their health and become adoptable.

    All of Argos Rescue dogs will have had or have an appointment to receive the following:

    1. Vaccinations for canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies
    2. Spay/Neuter (unless a puppy under the age of 6 months; procedure will be done at 6 months by the rescue vet at no additional charge). Adult dogs who are not already spayed or neutered at the time of adoption will be scheduled by Argos vets per Adoption Contract.
    3. Heartworm test (if old enough)
    4. Snap 4 DX (if old enough)
    5. Microchip


  • What are the fees for adoption?

    The adoption fee for Argos Rescue dogs 1 year or older is $250; under 1 year is $300.

    This adoption fee helps Argos Rescue to offset only some of the costs associated with veterinary care and rehabilitation for your adopted rescue dog. All donations are appreciated.


    PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue thanks you for seeking to adopt a rescue animal. Our goal is to place our rescued pets in permanent, loving homes. We understand this application/contract is lengthy, but it has been formulated through years of experience to ensure the permanency of placement and to minimize the risk of a failed adoption. Please complete this application/contract so that we at Argos can assist you in finding a special, compatible companion to join your family. We do not adopt dogs on a “first come, first served” basis, but rather make every attempt to match families with the most compatible pets. The customary adoption donation is $250 for dogs 1 year and older, and $300 for dogs under 1 year. Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue is a nonprofit, 501(c) (3) animal rescue organization, and these donations help Argos defray the costs of spaying/neutering, heartworm testing, and vaccinating our pets. As the Adopter, you agree that if the pet is heartworm positive, Heartgard® (or its ivermectin equivalent) is the only preventative that may be administered to kill the heartworms). Any other type of heartworm preventative or treatment could cause the pet to become seriously ill or even die. Please make checks payable to “Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue” Although all Argos pets are fully vetted, we strongly recommend that you take your new pet to your regular veterinarian as soon as possible to have a physical exam and to get your pet started on heartworm and flea preventative. Heartworm preventative MUST be administered to your pet once a month. Because the animals in Argos, a Shelter Dog Rescue adoption program are rescued, we do not know their actual ages. The approximate age of the pet in which you are interested is estimated using our experience and the advice of our veterinarians. Often times, different veterinarians may approximate different ages for the same pet, which may appear on their respective records. Argos thus uses reasonable efforts to approximate an appropriate age, but makes no affirmative representation that the approximate age is the actual age of the pet. Furthermore, any adopted pet, whether rescued or not, needs time to adjust to its new home environment. Our pets are typically kept in foster homes, and our foster parents use best efforts to house train/crate train each pet, although be aware that your new pet may require an adjustment period. We strictly prohibit the use of dog parks with all Argos Rescue dogs. Applicants agree to keep their dog at least 14 days to acclimate and settle the dog into their new home. Please contact an Argos representative if there is a serious reason (danger to dog or family members) that would require an earlier return. By signing this application, you as the adopter agree to never chain, tie or tether your dog and that in the unfortunate event you decide not to keep your pet for whatever reason, you will immediately contact an Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue representative and return the pet to Argos.


    Animals presently owned:

    Pet #1

    Are the following up to date?

    Pet #2

    Are the following up to date?

    Your Dog Breed Preference


    Please provide your veterinarian information and 2 personal references. One reference should be a neighbor, the other a friend/family member.


    Reference #1

    Reference #2

    PLEASE NOTE - If you do not receive a response to this Application from an ARGOS TEAM member within 14 days please send a follow up email of interest using our Contact Form to ensure your application was received.

    PLEASE NOTE - Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you are experiencing issues with submitting the application please send us an email to: info@argosdogrescue.org

    Suggestion - Sometimes online submission doesn't work. You can save a pdf copy of your application using your browser's print function (usually Ctrl-p). If, after submitting your application, you don't get a message saying your submission was successful, please email the pdf copy of your application to info@argosdogrescue.org.

    Waiver of Liability -

    In consideration for being permitted by Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. to participate as a potential adopter in various activities, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims and damages for personal injury, death, or property damage which I may sustain or may which hereafter accrue as a result of my participation as a potential adopter and resulting from negligence or misconduct of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

    This release is intended to discharge in advance Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents to include their heirs, agents, representatives, successors and assignees from and against any and all liabilities, actions, claims, demands, costs, or expenses arising from or in any way connected with my participation as a potential adopter and resulting from the negligence or misconduct of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

    I understand that various activities involving dogs and/or puppies can be hazardous in nature involving the possibility of being bitten, scratched, jumped on, dragged or knocked over. The possibility of serious accidents and/or injury can occur during participation in potential adopter activities. Knowing the risks involved nevertheless I have voluntarily applied to participate in potential adopter activities and I hereby agree to assume all risks of injury, and to release and hold harmless Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents who through negligence or carelessness might otherwise be liable to me.

    I further agree to indemnify and to hold Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., its' Directors, Officers, and/or agents free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost or expense which they may incur as a result of any injury and/or property damage I may sustain while participating as a potential adopter.

    I agree that all services I provide are charitable in nature and entirely voluntary, and there will be no compensation of any kind for the performance thereof. Further I have been fully advised that as a non-employee I am not covered by worker's compensation and am not covered under any medical insurance plan associated with my potential adopter position with Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.

    I agree that while fostering an Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc.. dog I will not foster for a shelter or another rescue without the written consent of an Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., representative. I further agree that while fostering for Argos Rescue I will not take the foster dog to any dog parks and I will not allow my foster dog to be off leash in any public and/or non secured/fenced areas.

    I hereby grant Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. permission to use my likeness in a photograph/video or any photo/video that I upload to the Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. Facebook page or designated repository (e.g. Flickr) in any and all of its advertising or collateral materials, including the Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. website (www.argosdogrescue.org) without payment or any other consideration. I hereby irrevocably authorize Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute any photos/videos taken of or by me for purposes of publicizing Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc. organization or for any other lawful purpose.

    In addition I agree that any dog belonging to Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue , Inc., will remain the property of Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., until such time as all adoption documentation has been approved and signed by Argos, A Shelter Dog Rescue, Inc., and the legal adopter. I further understand that at the request of Argos Rescue, either by text, email, or verbally, a foster dog may be immediately removed from any foster home without recourse or delay.


    to indicate acceptance of the waiver.

    acceptance of waiver.

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