This tiny bug is Chico. Chico is a 6 Lb young chihuahua X. He loves other dogs and loves to...
Project Categories: Adopted
Beautiful little Tala came to Argos Rescue from a hoarding situation. We think that she was loved, just not well...
Say hello to Dixie💕 Dixie is a one and a half year old Doberman. Dixie gets along well with other...
Our handsome 5-year old mini-Aussie is Rex and he can’t wait to find his new forever home. Rex was an...
“I just want a lap!” Looking for a very special adopter to love our affectionate little princess Mya. Mya is...
Will and Grace
Double Trouble Will & Grace are 6 Lb, 8-9 month old Miniature Pin or Chihuahua X pups. Both are sweet...
Ellie Mae
Our goofy and sweet Ellie Mae is a one year old female Great Dane. Ellie loves to play with toys...
Our new girl Felice is definitely guilty of being a cuteness overload. This 8-10 week old Boxer mix will charm...
If only Major League Baseball had an outfield position for a dog our boy Rio would definitely make any team!...
Argos loves welcoming a senior into the rescue .. meet our new girl Zoey. At a young 10 years old...