Meet Rascal, the cutest little bull dog mix puppy. Rascal is 4 months old and weighing just 15 pounds. This...
Project Categories: Adopted
Maya is a total sweetheart and she’s ready to meet her forever person/family. She’s 2 years old and gets along...
Little Willow is just 10 weeks old and she’s not actually very little. More than likely this pup is a...
Our 4-1/2 month old yellow lab puppy Coconut came into Argos with her sister Marshmallow and brother Cashew from a...
Our 4-1/2 month old yellow lab puppy Cashew came into Argos with his 2 sisters Marshmallow and Coconut from a...
Tweety and Hawkeye
We believe Tweety (bottom left) and Hawkeye (bottom right) are siblings or lived together previously as they came into the...
Meet Mabel Mabel is a 4 year old, sweet as they come, Tortoiseshell cat. Mabel loves other cats, gets along...
Al is our 4 year old terrier who never lets anything ruin his happy nature. Al is a smiler 😁....
This super cute guy is Jinx, an 8-1/2 month old doxie/chihuahua mix. He weighs just 12 pounds so the perfect...
Opie Taylor
Meet our Opie Taylor, an adorable terrier who has the most awesome personality. Opie is 1 year old and weighs...